Friday, January 24, 2014

I Am My Own Worst Enemy

I was wrapped in darkness. I was lost within my head.
Immobilized by the thought of despair and frustration.
With my head to the ground, I was a soulless body roaming this earth.
Not a hint of light was in sight.
I was trapped within the walls I created.
I was lost. I was no where near the light.
Falling; I was falling further and further into the pit of my own misery.
Not once was I able to find the light; drifting as far away as I could.
My sanity, my being, my humanity...slowly pulling away from my soul.
I try to escape this maze of confusion, but it is all in vain.
I am the creator of my own maze; nothing is blocking my way.
I am blocking the light; I stand before the only exist out of this crazy maze.
I am my own worst enemy.

There are times where I get stuck in a rut. There are days where getting up is the most difficult thing to do. There are moments when the pressure gets so insane that all I want to do is curl into a ball and sit in a corner. Medicine is hard; and some rotations will suck the life out of you more than others. And there are some doctors who bring you down; belittling you. I don't easily get affected by others; but there comes a time in your life when enough is enough and you break. That's how I felt for a while; and I was stuck. I didn't know how to get out. I didn't know how to pick myself up and go on. 

We all have ups and downs; sadly in medicine there are more downs than we'd like to ever encounter in our life time. But it's ok, we can always get up. Life doesn't stop; it only waits for you to get up and smell the coffee. 

And I'm BACK!!!

P.s. Blogger went crazy and deleted this post, but I'm putting it back #Humf 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. :) I don't like the smell of coffee, though.
